
folkTea is an extraordinary festival that attracts nationwide media attention, celebrating the rich cultural heritage, adventure, and gastronomy of Assam. It offers a unique blend of tea, folk performances, car rally, and adventure activities, creating an unmatched raw branding opportunity for sponsors. As the sole major festival of its kind in Northern Assam, folkTea provides sponsors with extensive visibility and a chance to connect with a vast tea industry base.


Categories of Sponsors:

Event Sponsor:

  • The main sponsor of the event with comprehensive branding throughout the festival, from pre-event to post-event coverage.
  • Enjoy complete visibility on television and digital media platforms.
  • Benefit from being associated with the festival’s core identity.

Event Partner:

  • Sponsors of specific events within folkTea, such as the car rally or cultural performances.
  • Gain targeted exposure and recognition as a partner for a particular segment.

TV Prime Time Spacer:

  • The entire festival will be transformed into a TV program, offering sponsors prime time advertising slots.
  • Capitalize on the high viewership and extensive branding exposure during prime time broadcasts.

Impactful Social Responsibility:

  • Your support will contribute to promoting cultural heritage, adventure, and community development, while preserving rich folk traditions.
  • Align your brand with a meaningful initiative and showcase commitment to corporate social responsibility

Key Benefits of Support:

  • Digital Presence: Active promotion across our social media platforms, reaching a wide audience and fostering engagement with your target market.
  • Community Engagement: Benefit from valuable networking opportunities, connecting with industry professionals, influencers, and cultural enthusiasts.
  • Customized Collaboration: Tailored support packages available to align with your specific marketing objectives and budgetary considerations. Collaborate on customized marketing collateral that resonates with your brand’s messaging.


Sponsoring folkTea 2024 presents a remarkable opportunity to showcase your brand to a wide audience, while supporting cultural heritage, adventure, and community development. As a sponsor, your association with this festival will demonstrate your commitment to making a positive impact on society and enhance your brand image. Choose from various sponsorship categories and enjoy exclusive benefits tailored to suit your marketing goals. Become part of this unique celebration and make a lasting impression on the diverse and vibrant culture of Assam.

For sponsorship

Phone: +91-9435040993
WhatsApp: +91- 7099006813